Marriage In-Sync Conference

February 8, 2025
Stoney Creek Hotel Broken Arrow, OK
9:00am - 4:00pm

Preparing for a strong and passionate marriage is one of the most important things you’ll ever do.  If you feel out of Sync in Romance, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Acceptance, Oneness or just having Fun together then this conference will help you get In Sync. If you have a good marriage, this conference will make it better. If your marriage is at a low spot, it could be the greatest opportunity for both of you to move forward together!

Make plans to join us.  Only $59 per couple which includes registration and all conference materials. Make it a weekend getaway with discounted hotel rooms available for attendees (ask us for info)  

Comedy Date Night

February 8, 2025 Stoney Creek Hotel Broken Arrow, OK ONLY $25/Ticket

Marriage And Family Initiative Presents Anything Can Talk with David Pendleton Join us for a Comedy Date Night featuring “Anything Can Talk” with David Pendleton.  David’s unique blend of ventriloquism and comedy, his charming characters and quick-witted humor guarantee a great time! Perfect for a Valentine’s Date Night.  Don’t settle for the same old date routine – Choose laughter and connection. Choose an experience that will be talked about long after the night ends. Doors open at 7:00pm. General Admission Tickets only $25!

Stoney Creek Hotel, 200 W Albany St, Broken Arrow, OK 74012

Weekend to Remember
by Family Life

Friday, February 12, 2025 7:00 PM Sunday, February 16, 2025 12:00 PM
Renaissance Tulsa Hotel Tulsa, OK

A getaway with a goal:
oneness. No marriage is static. Each day, each choice — you’re either moving closer together, toward oneness … or coasting farther apart.  At the intersection of a faith-based marriage conference and romantic retreat from everyday life, Weekend to Remember helps couples do just that — choose oneness.
Whether you’re sending up an SOS for marital rescue or looking to foster an already flourishing connection, Weekend to Remember is your best next step toward being, and staying, one.


Fellowship Bible Church

Begins January 15, 2025 6:30pm
5434 E 91st Street
Tulsa, OK

A Better Marriage Starts Here Every marriage has room for improvement. Re|Engage is a 16 week enrichment program that gives you a safe place to work on your relationship together, regardless of whether your marriage needs saving or you just want to take it from “good” to “great”

Woodlake Church

Sunday February 2 thru May 25
11:00am - 12:15pm
Woodlake Church 10444 S Mingo Rd Tulsa, OK 74133

ReEngage is a marriage
discipleship course we are excited to offer this spring! Whether your marriage
needs to be reignited or completely resurrected, re|engage is a safe place for
you and your spouse to reconnect. It starts February 2nd and will run through
May 25th, and will meet in Gathering Space Middle and West from 11:00-12:15. We have limited spots available, and priority will be given to couples able to
commit to weekly attendance. Last day to sign up is Sunday, January 19th.

First Baptist Broken Arrow

Invest in your Marriage
You can have the Marriage you always wanted
Begins February 12, 2025

Re|engage is a safe place for married couples to grow in their marriage. Just like continuing education in the workforce, every marriage – the healthy, the struggling, and the broken – needs a process to move toward oneness through stories of grace, connection in small groups, and study of God’s word. Wherever you find yourself, know that you are not alone. A better marriage can start here.

Marriage Encounter Weekend
Tulsa, OK

February 29-March 2, 2025
Hilton Garden Inn Tulsa Midtown, East Skelly Drive, Tulsa, OK, USA

Marriage Encounter is a weekend away for couples who want to take their marriage from good to great. From Friday evening at 8 to 4 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, you and your spouse will experience unique presentations and dynamic discussions in the comfort of a secluded environment.

Marriage Champions Lunch

Thursday January 23
11:30am - 1:00pm
Charleston's Restaurant
6839 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136

Free Lunch To save your spot RSVP to Bruce@MFItulsa.org If you are a Marriage Champion join us for this exciting networking and learning event with special guests speaker Rachael Hatley, Marriage Ministry Leader at Woodlake Church

Re|Engage Marriage Enrichment

Whether your marriage is good and you want it to be great, or you are at rock bottom and wonder if there is hope, Re|Engage is a safe place to grow in your marriage. Each week, you will hear from couples whose marriages have been transformed, learn practical ways to grow in oneness with your spouse as you walk through the 14 lessons. Registration is required and space is limited, so register early! Childcare provided. Space is limited register today

Sweetheart Soiree

Asbury Church Tulsa, OK
Friday, February 14 6:00 - 10:00 PM Vinterra Event Venue Bixby, OK

Please join us Friday, February 14, 2025, 6:00 – 10:00 pm for our Sweetheart Soiree, at the beautiful Vinterra Event Venue, for an enchanting evening designed to create unforgettable memories with your special someone. An evening full of delightful dinner, decadent dessert, and blissful dancing — perfect for couples wanting to deepen their bond and let loose to enjoy life’s sweetest moments. The Sweetheart Soiree is more than just a night out; it’s an experience that fosters connection and celebration.

 $60 per couple and includes dinner, dancing and door prizes! (No refunds.) Deadline to register is February 9, 2025 or until capacity of 300 people is reached. Semi-formal attire.

Church On The Move

Broken Arrow Campus begins Jan 21 West Campus begins Feb 4

Re|engage is a marriage ministry designed to fashion couples into better disciples of Jesus Christ. We believe as our hearts better align with God’s plan and desire for our lives, all relationships (including our marriages) will improve.

Because Re|engage is a discipleship based ministry, it can benefit any marriage in any condition; whether you are struggling to get along, your marriage seems broken, or you simply want to strengthen your connection.

Re|engage provides couples a safe place to move toward oneness through biblical teaching, stories of hope, and small groups, with an emphasis on the small group aspect. We believe that life (and marriage) transformation best occurs in the context of authentic Christ-centered community.

Community Baptist Church

Coweeta, OK Begins January 15, 6:00pm Broken Arrow Campus begins Jan 21 West Campus begins Feb 4

Re|engage is a safe place for married couples to grow in their marriage. Just like continuing education in the workforce, every marriage – the healthy, the struggling, and the broken – needs a process to move toward oneness through stories of grace, connection in small groups, and study of God’s word. Wherever you find yourself, know that you are not alone. A better marriage can start here.


First Church Owasso OK
Begins Sunday January 12, 2025
2:00 - 4:00 PM
10100 N Garnett Rd

“Re|Engage” is a valuable resource for married couples. Whether your marriage needs to be reignited or resurrected, Re|Engage is a safe place to reconnect with your spouse. So many of the couples who have gone through the Re|Engage course tell others how vital this was to the health of their marriage. Visit the link to take the next step and learn more about the next opportunity to join a group.


Begins Sunday January 19
11510 N 109th Avenue East
Owasso, OK 74055

Each week, you will hear from couples whose marriages have been transformed, learn practical ways to grow in oneness with your spouse, and gain insight from others in a closed small group setting. Register below. Classes start January 19th, childcare will be available by reservation. Meets Sundays from 4:30-6 (will not meet during Spring Break, Mar.16th), last class is scheduled for May 11th.

Comedy Date Night

Foundation Church 7785 S Highway 97 Sapulpa, OK 74066 Sunday, February 16 6:00pm $50 per couple

Jaron Myers is a standup comedian based in Los Angeles. He has built an online fan base of over 1 million devoted followers, and his videos boast over 450 million views across the internet. Jaron’s infectious joy and heart-warming personality make him feel like a lifelong friend that you share inside jokes with. Myers has 2 comedy specials on Amazon Prime, a DryBar comedy special, and co-hosts the very popular educational comedy podcast, Things I Learned Last Night.  Myers has entertained thousands across the country with his live shows, and has been trusted to work with brands like Google, Meta, Amazon, Dave & Busters, Pringles, and many more.

Community Baptist Church
Coweeta, OK
Begins January 15, 6:00pm

Re|engage is a safe place for married couples to grow in their marriage. Just like continuing education in the workforce, every marriage – the healthy, the struggling, and the broken – needs a process to move toward oneness through stories of grace, connection in small groups, and study of God’s word. Wherever you find yourself, know that you are not alone. A better marriage can start here.

To Register: Copy and paste this link https://cbccoweta.fellowshiponego.com/external/form/3e855a72-d42a-4e9f-93da-10369e9a59c4

Marriage Workshop COMMUNICATION

Three Tuesday nights
November 7, 14, 21
7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

The quality of our Communication is one of the most vital assets In a healthy marriage.

Join us as we talk about our communication, how it affects conflict, and how differently men and women communicate.

US Marriage Tulsa

Find local and online marriage and relationship resources using USMarriage.org.

US Marriage ORG